Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Notes from Crystalline councils workshop

Notes from Crystalline councils workshop 2-19-2012 at Azurae's

Size of stone doesn't matter;  wear in your pocket, as jewelery, meditate with, or
put on bedside.  Experiment and see what YOU FEEL from the stones.

Faden & Chrysanthemum stone - personal growth and empowerment. The
Faden has a gas line running through it.  Helps with travel - astral & other
dimensions; enhances connections to people, stones, plants, etc. Helps with
physical/mental/emotional stability.

The Chrysanthemum stone is a limestone matrix with  andalucite crystals that
form flower shapes when cut  properly. Chrysanthemum stone  helps you to
overcome obstacles, solve issues and problems by looking at the source and
making appropriate changes.

The flower offers you joy, love, abundance, creativity and encourages you to
become open to your giifts.


Kyanite & clear Quartz matrix:  magnetic pull-push  (swirl stones around each
other in circles, not touching).


  Selenite & Amazonite - abundance

Serpentine - I am not a victim.  stimulates the heart, kidneys, lungs, pituitary &
thymus glands; aligns astral & emotional bodies; helps see Ancestors, those who
have passed on.

Aquamarine in Feldspar - brings change, immediate and radical.


Garnet & Topaz - help you maintain focus.

When you lose focus on a project,  stray energies seep in
 and can change the outcome.

Use garnet & topaz to reach your goals, like a laser.

Red calcite & Hematite - healing at the cellular level.  Excellent if you have a
deep cut.

Green calcite - helps heal burns.  Put within 3 ft. of the burn.  It has a cooling
effect and encourages the skin to regrow.


Use Orange calcite at the sacral chakra
to assist in healing relationships,
whether the people are alive or have passed on.

Or use Orange calcite at the sacral
to deal with issues of trust.


Balance the brain with a dark and light stone - one in each hand.
Selenite or Ulexite (TV stone) and Hematite or  Selenite and magnetite, lodestone.
or Clear Quartz  and Black Tourmaline.


Can use in conjunction with Silver-Gray Attunement for balancing
the brain and broadening the synapses between left and right brain.


Lepidolite is helpful in controlling or lessening (severe) mood swings and evening out the brain fluids.   Try combining Lepidolite and Aquamarine and see how it affects you.  Try switching the stones in hands to see which way feels best.

For women, Moonstone helps with premenstral cramps, lower back pain;  when used over time, helps regulate the time between menstral flows.


Citrine and Aquamarine are a good combo for dealing with anger and
dissipating it.  The citrine offers a healing & cleansing while the aquamarine
helps the energy flow easily through the body.



Another nice combination is Nebula, Ulexite (or Selenite), Green or Watermelon
Tourmaline, Copper and Lepidolite.  "All is well" is what we get from this
combination.  Opens the blood vessels and helps with circulation; relaxes the
muscles; energizes the body; removes negativity from the solar plexus and aura.

All pictures are from Manin's personal collection.  

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